
Angela Davis said ‘ Palestine is a moral litmus test for the world’. As many of you will know I don’t use Social Media - I have just 54 followers on Facebook! so I have been spending my energy more locally in Devon, since 7th October 2023 to raise awareness about the history and context of the increased violence bestowed on Palestinian people by the Israeli state, and Netanyahu’s intent to forcibly transfer the entire population of Gaza. Most of my artwork has been about Palestine - it’s how I met my Palestinian husband 23 years ago!

I’ve come to my website now to share some videos, as many people I’ve been talking to do not seem to know the history or context of this current situation.  In case anyone would like to educate themselves and learn a little more, here are some of my favourite videos and links that might help the context be understood. 

For those that think this “war” began on the 7th October, this ignores the decades of destruction of hospitals, schools, and public infrastructure, the  deaths of innocent civilians, rape, and imprisonment of innocent Palestinian children and civilians by Israeli forces and illegal settlers. The control of water has been a tool of the oppressor, as has the withholding of electricity and medicines for over 7 decades. 

War suggests armed nations in a battle. Palestine has not been recognized as a sovereign nation, and has no army. It is known as the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT) because it is OCCUPIED illegally by Israeli settlers. When an occupying force fights the occupied - this is not a war.

I’ve spoken to countless people that until now, do not know about the Balfour declaration, and Britain's involvement in the creation of the State of Israel. Here is a short link.

Ilan Pappe is a fantastic Israeli historian that speaks eloquently about Israel - arguing the Nakba ( the catastrophe) never ended. Here is a link to his book  ‘The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine’ that he wrote in 2007, or Ten Myths about Israel, and there are plenty of videos on youtube. 

Gideon Levy, the Haaretz columnist, speaks it like it is here. 

Queen Rania gave this insightful interview last week. 

Craig Mokhiber, the Director of the New York Office of the High Commissioner of Human Rights has resigned over the UN’s failure in Palestine. You can read his resignation letter here. We, the people, can not also fail Palestine. 

I joined the local chapter of the Palestinian Solidarity Campaign, as an organiser and am working locally to raise awareness. If you’re attending a March in Exeter, I’ll be stewarding in a high vis vest. Come and say hello. Please join your local PSC or Stop The War if you want to be part of the change you want to see. 
